The Glamophone and Muse: BikeLights 2016, Laura Frances Martin. Pic: John Wareham
I'm a practitioner working across visual arts, performance and writing, and I live & work in Cornwall, in the SW UK.
I believe art is vitally important to human beings. It fosters wonder, and connection: with each other, and with our wider world.

I'm thinking a great deal at present about the place where arts, creativity and female leadership intersect; and about how artists, particularly women artists, can help shape and illuminate the world differently. 


As a visual artist, I work in 2D & 3D; I create large scale processive lanterns & builds for festivals and events; and I offer creative learning experiences for all ages and abilities. More


As a Spotlight actress I work on film & TV projects, site-specific theatre, voice-over, and as a vocalist; and I create performative elements for my large scale art commissions. More


produce my own projects, and I also offer teaching & creative consultancy for arts events, festivals, community arts and young people's projects. More


I love words and have always used writing as a key tool in professional roles; my own creative writing has had some exciting boosts and developments lately. More

The Hoss's Lament: lantern and figurehead character in performance: Laura Frances Martin
In the studio
Current ideas & work in planning. Workshops & projects that need development, partnerships, engagement, funding and more. Have a read!
Thank you to Arts Council England 
for their valued support  
Arts Council England logo, supported using public funding